Our February Write On! Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 10, at 7 pm at Barnes & Noble in Santa Monica. Send your news, events, etc. for the February Write On! Newsletter to debra@writeononline.com by Monday, February 8. Thanks!
Tags: Call for Newsletter Items Write On! MeetingFebruary Meeting 2/10 & Call for Newsletter Items
September Hangout – 9/7
LA writers, other creative people, and entrepreneurs, join us for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, August 3, from 1 –...
LA Hangout for Writers & Other Creatives – 2/19/14
LA Writers & Other Creative People, join us for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, February 19, from 1 to...
Write On Online – November Meeting
Thanks to everyone who listened to the November Write On! meeting on Blog Talk Radio. In honor of National...
September 2014 Virtual Meeting Recap
Thanks Dr. Jenny Yip, author of Productive, Successful YOU! for joining us for the September virtual meeting on BlogTalkRadio. This month’s topic is...
Write On! Online – February Meeting
If you missed the February Write On! Meeting on Blog Talk Radio with guest screenwriter/consultant Annie Lower, you can...
Write On! March Meeting – 3/9 at 12pm PST
New Time: The March Write On! Meeting on Blog Talk Radio is on March 9 at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern...
June LA Hangout – 6/5/19
LA writers, creatives, and entrepreneurs, join us for the June 2019 hangout at Cafe Literati, 12801 Wilshire Blvd, in...
Write On Online – October Meeting
Thanks, Stephanie Palmer, author of Good in a Room, for sharing such valuable pitching advice on our October Blog Talk Radio...