What a fabulous send-off! Wednesday was the last meeting of Write On! Writers Support Group at Barnes & Noble in Snata Monica. The live group, which started at the TAG Gallery on Santa Monica Blvd.,  started in January 2002. The group is not gone, just moving online … and into the 21st Century.

Thanks to everyone who came out. We had a full-house: there were 26 of us, 27 including Shella, who called in! We had some new members, as well as ones from that first meeting eight and a half years ago: Tricia, Arlene, Robert, and Izabel.

It has been a blessing to lead this group and meet so many outstanding writers.

The next Write On! Meeting will be on Blog Talk Radio at 5 pm Pacific Time/8 pm Eastern Time on September 15. Remember, post your September Goals for a chance to win an iScript. You can also post article links, news, and success stories on the Write On! Facebook Page.

Also, enter the Write On! Summer Challenge. Submit 200 to 400 words of your fictional “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” in the body of an email to Debra@WriteOnOnline.com by Tuesday, August 31. Winners will be announced on Monday, September 13, 2010, in the September Write On! Newsletter.

Happy Writing!

1 Comment

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  1. Stephanie Olivieri 15 years ago

    So bummed I couldn’t make the last meeting. I will really miss this group.


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, ASAP. Thanks!


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