Congratulations, Ryan Wilson, the June winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. To be entered in next month’s drawing, post July 2020 Goals here or weekly goals during the month of June on the Facebook page or in the Facebook group.
Join the Write On Online Facebook Group here.
Check out #GoalChat every Sunday at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. Go to Twitter and follow the hashtag. Miss a chat? Read the recaps.
Watch #GoalChat Live every Monday at 4pm PT on the Mango Publishing Facebook Page.
Post July 2020 Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions.
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Here are the goals posted on the Facebook Page and in the Group in June.
Daniel Escurel Occeno To revise an eBook and prepare the next one – a novel.
Waqas Dogar In July, I’m going to kick off my debut book on resilience
Lois Paige Simenson Get my book in our library.
Audrey Paulduro I am finally going to do some leg work and learn to copyright. I have been with AWAI on and off and it has always stayed with me. Now I am making it a mission!!!
Aadip Desai Finish two pitches, work on staffing materials, finish proofreading gig. Sleep.
Stephanie Bourbon Finish up some videos for my writing membership, work on my novel and the day job!
Mercy Fae Sending out emails asking for reviews in exchange for a free short story. Trying to build up my business.
Marsha Bergher Wietecha Take my weekly Zoom Yoga class. Complete my newsletter for tomorrow’s delivery. Contact my July guests. Remember the importance of balance!
Diane Ebert connection with businesses, and AD for my REDBUBBLE Site and my new rebranded website etc.
Charly Kuecks 30 pages minimum of the screenplay (up to 60)
Daniel Escurel Occeno The unachieved goal of last week.
Courtney Maichell Wendleton 1000 words. Not much but been in a bit of a slump, so kind of a lot.
Vickie Burns-Sikora 1) Revise the outline for my novel to create more tension (Found some great books on structure for tension. Let me know if you want the names.) 2) Get the first week of the master’s class I’m teaching online squared away. 3) Start decluttering my place after three months inside. 4) Get a dog.
Adrielle Stapleton I got my monthly submission done on time for my writing critique group, so now it’s time to read their contributions and provide feedback.
Daniel Escurel Occeno Finish on creating an eBook for a short story collection and revise the eBook cover of the ones misaligned if I figure out how since a cover is a photo. The uploaded was not misaligned so is it compatible software or what? Maybe I should upload a cover where alignment is not so necessary.
Pam Martin Finish the chapter synopses for my WIP and maybe play around with the same for the first book in a new series — I want to have at least one ready to write during Camp NaNoWriMo.
Ryan Wilson I took a one year break from writing (to spend more time with my family) back in January of 2017, and I haven’t really returned to writing yet. Two false starts, but nothing lasting. Now the voices are in my head again and I’m getting the itch. I decided Saturday to try to get going again. I would like to submit one of my flash pieces to a market (not many open right now), edit a middle-grade novel, finish a short that I started way back when, and polish one other work to submission readiness. Starting slow, so my goal is the end of the month.
Lisa Peacock Compiling all USBs and Hard Drives and printing all journal entries and stories which will take a while 💜
Daniel Escurel Occeno Make an eBook of two short stories collection and go back to finalize my NaNoWriMo 2019 novel winner for self-publication on eBook.
Tony Gee Write a flashback for main novel. Plot two short story subs.
Sky Hall Ainsworth Actually write something from a project I work on.
Elisabeth Kauffman Goal #1, more kickstarter backers for the deck… Goal #2, words, any amount, revised on novel… I’ve been stalled for a couple months after having some really good forward movement at the beginning of the year.
Aadip Desai Self-care, brainstorming, a general meeting, punch up a script.
Nadezhda Povroznik Take a breath and walk around to get inspired for the future achievements.
Oscar Gonzalez Grow my new content marketing group by 10-20%
Alisha Vincent Get wip ready for editor.
Markell Morris Working with a biz dev coach to find ways to monetize my expertise.
Daniel Escurel Occeno For the month of June I am considering new options with the future of my self-publishing.
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What are you working on in July?
Tags: Goals July 2020 Goals Michael Wiese Productions The D*E*B Method Write On Online Writing