Harrison Demchick’s The Listeners follows the coming of age adventure of a teenage boy, thrust into a dystopian world...
Archive for category: Author Q&A
Seinfeld writer/co-executive producer Peter Mehlman recently published his short story collection: Mandela Was Late, which features his best and new...
Marilyn Anderson, author of Never Kiss a Frog: A Girl’s Guide to Creatures from the Dating Swamp, which became...
Playwright Gary Lennon, “A Family Thing,” has a variety of experience in television, film, and plays. He is a...
Now that award-season wrapped, and 2013 is in full-swing, we spoke with Los Angeles literary agent David Boxerbaum of...
Last month, New York Times Best Selling author Jackie Collins released her 29th book: The Power Trip. She is...
Tonight, I will be moderating the Social Media Club LA panel on Social Media and Dating Online, discussing principles...
Today’s Q&A is with novelist Tracy DeBrincat, author of Hollywood Buckaroo. DeBrincat’s short stories and poetry have been published widely...
Jennifer Dornbush, author of Forensic Speak: How to Write Realistic Crime Dramas, is a long-time storyteller who grew up...
Today’s Q&A is with with Jon Krampner, author of Creamy and Crunchy: An Informal History of Peanut Butter, the...