Novelist Gary William Murning lives in the northeast of England. His work, largely mainstream fiction, focuses on themes such...
TV writer and producer Sheldon Bull is the author of Elephant Bucks: An Insider’s Guide to Writing for TV...
Author Q&A: Webisode Writer/Producer Carmen Elena Mitchell, “The Real Girl’s Guide to Everything Else”
Carmen Elena Mitchell is executive producer/writer of award-winning web series: The Real Girl’s Guide to Everything Else. Mitchell made...
Moving Write Along: Advice from the Experts – From Writer to Tweeter by Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, co-founder of Scriptchat...
Fun was the word of the night! Great energy, fabulous people, lots of information and inspiration! We had 23...
THE JUNE CHALLENGE: QUERY CONTEST – SCREENPLAYS & TELEPLAYS Screenwriters, it’s your turn! In our continuing effort to help...
Producer Marvin V Acuna is the co-founder of The Business of Show Institute and president of Rainmakers and AE,...
Thanks to everyone who entered the Write On! Online May Challenge: Query Contest – “Books!” We received some excellent...
Congratulations to Tammy, June winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your July goals...
Tracey Jackson, screenwriter (Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Guru), documentary filmmaker (Lucky Ducks), and blogger, speaks with Write On!...