Write On’s April LA meeting is on the 15th at Peet’s in Westwood. Details below. Send newsletter items to deckerling@gmail.com by...
Stumble into is a brainstorming technique that has a man or woman accidentally falling into a dangerous, unplanned situation...
LA Writers & Other Creative People, join us for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, May 6, at Peet’s Coffee,...
Post your March Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book...
Post your March Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book...
WRITE ON! LA Writers/entrepreneurs, stop by for the March Write On!/Guided Goals hangout on Wednesday, March 18, at Peet’s...
LA Writers & Other Creative People, join us for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, April 15, at Peet’s Coffee,...
Writers/creatives/entrepreneurs, stop by for a social, bonus hangout in West LA. Location TBD on Wednesday, April 1, at 1pm!...
Congratulations, C Michael Sizemore , this month’s goal winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions. Post March Goals...
Write On’s March LA meeting is on the 18th at Peet’s in Westwood. Details below. Send newsletter items to deckerling@gmail.com by...