Congratulations to Angela Archer, December winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your January goals and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript. (An iScript is a professionally recorded audio version of a screenplay or novel read by professional readers, similar to an audiobook.)

The December 8th Write On! Meeting will be on Blog Talk Radio at 8 pm Pacific/11 pm Eastern. The January meeting will be on Blog Talk Radio on January 12.

Post January Goals in the comment section below. Thanks!


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  1. Angela Archer 14 years ago

    Thanks WriteOnOnline for the cool prize!

    WriteOnOnline rocks!

    Now, I just need to write a script so I can hear it spoken. 🙂

    Goals for January:

    Focusing more on blog/site:
    -Clean up pages and categories
    -Start defining mission statement
    -Start thinking of logo ideas

  2. David Cook 14 years ago

    1) Clear clutter from old house.

    2) Move house!

    3) New Year Resolution – hone and finish that script rewrite in new house!

  3. […] to Angela Archer, December winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your January Goals and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript. Post your January Goals here. […]

  4. […] Don’t forget to post your January Goals. […]

  5. Jeanne 14 years ago

    To polish the first 50 pages of my novel and get them off to the agent who requested them. Yikes. Good thing I like pressure.

  6. Andrea Helaine 14 years ago

    Rewrite my script and continue agent submissions.

  7. Barbara Hogeland 14 years ago

    write 1000 words daily with the muse

    resurrect old stories and revise

    write a memory daily

  8. Melody Lopez 14 years ago

    To button up legal matters require to start making a documentary about story telling.

  9. […] your January Goals on Write On! Online to be entered in a drawing to win an iScript. You can also post Goals for […]

  10. Mark Niu 14 years ago

    Complete new screenplay

  11. Julio Ricardo Varela 14 years ago

    I plan to add another 12,000 words to my novel, Franky BenĂ­tez. Thanks for asking!

  12. Pj Perez 14 years ago

    Goals! Easy:

    – Make revisions to TV dramedy pilot and sneak it under agents/producers’ noses.
    – Finish action/espionage screenplay. Hone elevator pitch. Become best pals with Doug Liman.
    – Get to good mid-point on the Great Las Vegas Novel.
    – Secure artist for new comic book pitch. Pitch. Hit. Win game. Go on to World Series. Win Series. (I think I took that metaphor a bit far.)

  13. Goals. Rhymes with moles and holes; stoles and zoles. I have no idea what a zole is, but it may crop up somewhere in the near future in something I decide to write.

    BUT: FOR THOSE JANUARY, 2011 GOALS, let’s see what is tangible:

    I plan to enter 2 Contests on the merits of a script I wrote that beat out 3164 others in July of this year, 2010. for Contest #1: That means clearing 15,000 new words by January 24TH and then at the opposite end of the spectrum, to widdle down my logline for that script to only 250 characters for Contest #2.

    Since there are so many great screenwriting contests online that have producers/managers and agents read those scripts (for a modest fee), I certainly recommend that monthly goals include a few entries, as you never know who may reading your famed words and take that project on!

    That’s all…for the present!

    Cheers, ASK:
    Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
    Screenwriter: SKiN: Sacred Kinshp in Nature (TM)
    How 10 Beloved Plush Toys Redefine Race (C)2009
    Quarterfinalist: Scriptapalooza’s Intl Screenplay
    Competition: 2010
    Screenwriter: iN THE COMPANY OF ANTS (C)2009*
    * Beat out 3164 other entries

    Chicago, IL USA


    Posted: 12-28-2010 – 12:56 PM CST

  14. Eva 14 years ago

    1) Do much needed research for my script

    2) Keep working on those character backstories

    3)Fix my ending, beginning, incident, plot point I&II

    4) Read more scripts!!!

  15. […] post your January Goals on Write On! Online to be entered in a drawing to win an iScript. You can also post Goals for […]

  16. […] post your January Goals on Write On! Online to be entered in a drawing to win an iScript. You can also post Goals for […]


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