It’s a middle-of-the-week holiday! Are you writing? Going to a barbecue? Watching fireworks? Whatever you do, you can keep your creative mind going …

Here are 4 things writers can do on the 4th!

1. Take the day off. Use today to enjoy spending time with friends and family … or just read a book or chill out. You need and deserve to take time for yourself! Plus, you’ll get a lot more writing done tomorrow when you are happy and refreshed!

2. Do arts and crafts with the kids. Any sort of creative activity is good for your mind. Find a fun 4th project and jump on in! I generally recommend writers do one non-writing creative activity once a month … once a week is even better!

3. Go people watching. A holiday is a great time to go people-watching. Study people’s habits, interactions, and dialogue for use in one of your current or future stories. Take notes while you are out or go home and jot down all that you remember.

4. Tune into your senses. All description starts with the senses. Whether you are out at a party or relaxing in your backyard, take note of what you see hear, taste, smell and touch. Use as many words as necessary to describe the taste, smell, and touch of today’s delicious barbecue. Then jot down what you see and all the sounds you hear during tonight’s fireworks. Enjoy!

How are you spending your day? And do you plan to make your day more creative?

Happy Independence Day! Write On!


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  1. david 13 years ago

    I LOVE people watching! Its a great inspriration for writing! Thanks!

  2. Rick Clark 13 years ago

    I started with a early morning visit to City Hall Park for the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast and to see who was bringing out their campaign t-shirts for the November election. I hung out with old friends (really, I mean old), stopped by Ralphs, made fresh Caprese salad, took a nap and am now visiting some of my favorite online sites and blogs.

    Other than that, not much. 🙂

  3. Bethanny Parker 13 years ago

    I was home all day. Hubby had to work, so there was no way to go anywhere. It was too hot to walk. I took the kids outside just long enough to water the garden and pick a few raspberries.

  4. […] everyone had a wonderful holiday! Yesterday, I posted 4 Things Writers Can do on the 4th! Note: These activities can be done at any time, so check them out and give them a […]

  5. Joanne 13 years ago

    Great ideas my husband had to work but my daughters & I hung out at home and then watched the Macy’s fireworks on TV at night. 🙂 The 4th of July is 23 years that my husband & I are together (not married, that was last month – it’s the anniversary of us being in a relationship).

  6. Claudia 13 years ago

    I love the last suggestion “tune into your senses” as not only can it help the creative spark but it will make the whole experience much more memorable and meaningful.

  7. I spent the day indoors. I cleaned house, relaxed, watched TV, read, and caught up with my blog then it was back to work…


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