Congratulations, Lori Ann Marriott Hines, June winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions, for posting goals. Post July Goals below.

The June Write On Meeting on Blog Talk Radio is Wednesday, June 12, at 1pm pacific/4pm Eastern. Our guest is Josh Ochs, author of Light, Bright and Polite: How Businesses And Professionals Can Safely And Effectively Navigate Social Media. He will talk about his book, as well as offer marketing tips for writers. RSVP on Facebook. Call in (646-381-4910) or listen online.

Post Goals in the comments or on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions. Thanks! Write On!

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Here are the goals posted over the last month. How did everyone do?

Dave Bullis Complete a draft of my TV pilot.

Trish Barber-Baxter To talk to 5 people this week about my Healthy coffee!

Beth Davis Cato 25 pages of revisions a day, read slush, send out submissions.

Alex Willging Finish the last 20 pages of my short story.

Margaret Sisu Finish this draft so I can set it aside for a week then go back and tighten it some more because my editor expects it in her hands by month end.

Dianne Buss ignore the angry plot bunnies who like to derail my timeline!

John Bezpiaty Finish the mystery that I finally got a good idea on, get that to Ellery Queen or Hitchcock’s and finish my current proposal to Cracked

Loren Kinsella At the very least, finish a chapter!

Alex Willging Finish one or more chapters for my novella.

Robin Chappell Get the script I’m working on from 35 pages in to 60, and get the diagrams for Development of that script (biopic) and two other projects done and out the door.

Todd Leiter-Weintraub Just to finish one damn song.

Sarah Glenn ANY writing I get done will be great. My brain is crap right now.

Colleen Wait Finish my article for Matthew’s Hope.

Barbara Tubbs Hill Write at least 1,000 words per day on the novel.

Warren Paul Glover Progress the 5th draft/rewrite of a screenplay (currently on p.59), do my homework for my novel-writing course and begin writing the first chapter of said novel (5,000 words due in next week).

Wayne Manigo I will write the pitch for my book, and organize my TOC. I’m using two some working titles, and hopefully I will have narrowed it down to one.

Bce Mic Nally Finished script for episode 5, now to edit it and post it.

Lori Ann Marriott Hines This week I want to work on my screenplay, a children’s book, a commercial, and a music video!

Oumeyma Boumaiza I want to sleep

J Tom Field Finish running numbers and charts for all my beers. Start rewrite of novel, knowing that Ralean needs to be in a couple of parts where I excluded her before. Also, maybe she needs a new name. Put together video for friend. Rewrite short story for submission to anthology. Write the fourth episode of Dapper Squad Mystery.


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  1. […] your July Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book from Michael Wiese […]

  2. […] your July Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book from Michael Wiese […]

  3. […] your Monthly Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book from Michael Wiese […]

  4. […] your July Goals on Write On Online or Facebook and be entered in a drawing to win a book from Michael Wiese […]

  5. Stephanie Olivieri 12 years ago

    My July goal is to finish a new middle grade novel for Campnanowrimo!!

  6. Tami Veldura 12 years ago

    I have a two-part goal this month: I have edits for Spring Tide that I need to go through. Then I have Serenity that needs a totally complete draft this month. The original due date was the 15th, but I’ll settle for this month.

  7. S. T. Lynn 12 years ago

    My July goal is to get farther ahead of the curve on my fantasy serial on my blog. It posts every Monday and I have two weeks ready and scheduled. By the end of July I want to be 4 weeks or more ahead of the curve.

  8. […] newsletter items to by July 8, post your July Goals, and participate in the Write On Online via the website, Twitter, and Facebook! Information on […]


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