Congratulations, Nita Sweeney, the July winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. To be entered in next month’s drawing, post August 2019 Goals here or weekly goals during the month of August on the Facebook page or in the Facebook group.

Join the Write On Online Facebook Group here.

Check out #GoalChat every Sunday at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. Go to Twitter and follow the hashtag. Read the recaps.

Post August 2019 Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions.

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Here are the goals posted on the Facebook Page and in the Group in July.

Susan Bowman Write a letter to my publisher with my Book Promotion Plan to get a re-release date for “Lady Father,” my memoir. Add some much needed SEO things to my website.

Bill Kelly I’m shooting for my usual goal, five to ten thousand words on the book.

Pam Martin Write 3,729 words on my WIP by the end of the day tomorrow, so I can “win” Camp NaNoWriMo. After that, I’ll need another 30K for the book, and I’d REALLY like to have it finished by mid-August, so I can start Book 3 in the series and have it finished by October. The publisher needs them by December, and I want them finished a lot sooner, if possible.

Daniel Escurel Occeno To finish my self-publishing goals. I have one done.

John Buglino Generate subscribers for our mailing list & then send them our latest blog post kicking off our new series!

Nita Sweeney Finish and practice my five minute audition piece for #ThisIsMyBrave. When I have something challenging like this, I stall and that gets in the road of everything else I need to do. The audition is Thursday afternoon. Send good vibes! #writeon

Susie Adams Edited final draft for book; lining up some potential book signings, fairs, and such for fall.

Tom Moser Working on my query letter for my middle-grade book, which is finally done! I’ve never submitted to literary agents before, so this is a whole new adventure.

Lois Paige Simenson Prepare submission package for a novel manuscript review for our September writer’s conference and prepare my screenplay submission package for same. We have a film agent from LA on our faculty this year.

Diane Ebert Oh boy. Could use some prayers and healing. I did provide a list for a photographer consultant to help take my photography business to a new level. Rebranding and blogging etc. I tripped earlier today. So some plans are on hold.

Sarah Glenn Goal attained—back in touch with the artist. I need to fine-tune the book description for the back cover and website. My spouse’s birthday is coming up soon, so gotta plan for that.

E.M. Shue 10k in words get all books loaded on Google play and work on the publish and thrive course I’m taking.

Daniel Escurel Occeno Since reading my own already written works needed to accomplish what I want done before NaNoWriMo on November my goal is to read a chapter or more a day. It averages 1,000 to 2,000 plus words per chapter.

Bill Kelly I’m shooting for another five thousand words. If I get close, I’ll be happy enough.

Marria Evbuoma I’m sending out a story I’ve been re-writing for 5 years… it’s time

Lois Paige Simenson Finish the darn novel! Only 2 chapters left to write.

Pam Martin 6180 words in my WIP by July 31 — preferably sooner, as the piece needs to reach 50K SOON!

Candy Neely Arrington Get ahead so I don’t have to work next week at the beach unless I want to.

Tom Moser Working on some micro-short-stories for my blog (which I can post up on blog day). Still diving into the beta reader notes for my novel.

Nita Sweeney Almost midnight here in Columbus and we just got home. This week is for rest and catch up.

Cheryl Leutjen WRITE

Kelly Lenihan To finish my darn manuscript! Describing the behavior, habitat and other details of 70 backyard birds is so profoundly mind-numbing, I am truly struggling to get through it – which is odd, because I am a birding fanatic.

Markell Steele Morris One goal was to update my FB group cover photo . Another was to follow.up with my workshop attendees . My other goal for the week is to write 5 short posts (IP)

Bill Kelly I’m hoping for another five to ten thousand words, but I have a busy week coming. I’ll probably be happy enough if I hit three thousand.

Suzie Quintana To not play The Sims before I write at least 2k words per day 

Nadie Gehring My goal is to Succeed.

Daniel Escurel Occeno To continue on self -publishing.

Pam Martin 6K by Friday, another 8K by Sunday

Kevin Wilkerson I would like this story to get some traction because the moon landing was such a significant achievement not only for this country but all of mankind. I not sure it’s appreciated today.…/why-you-should-pay-attention…/

Sarah Glenn I need to hand the edited WIP back to my wife for formatting… if I can let it go. I also need to write some copy for the back cover. Then there’s the guy fixing our floors… gotta work around that.

Tom Moser Setting up my blogging website for my writing work, and digging into the notes from my beta readers, which were fortunately pretty minimal.

Cheryl Leutjen Writing for a fellowship application + one new blog post

Nita Sweeney Current goal is to track down a kennel for the pupperina. We leave Saturday morning for SFO and someone, er, um, ahem, *looks in mirror,* forgot to find lodging for the #ninetyninepercentgooddog. Geesh!!! It appears that every dog owner in central Ohio is going on vacation this weekend. 

Lisa Orkin Need to make a resume and have no idea where to start.

Bill Kelly I’m hoping to get another five to ten thousand words. That would be fairly steady progress.

Felicia French I’m editing two short stories that are due to my professor

Daniel Escurel Occeno To really get something done. The list did not work so just get it done.

Lois Paige Simenson Write the next chapter of my WIP

Susan Bowman Change the theme on my website.

Pam Martin I’m late posting, but I’d still like to get 2 more chapters in my WIP by the end of the weekend, along with finding some sort of swag to put in a basket with Murder at the Mission, for a door prize for a large meeting next month.

Ross Felix Finish the executive summary for my startup … and try to start narrowing down first potential client targets 🙂

Pamela Barroway Posting my latest blog post & making new local contacts at an IRL networking event.

Dennis Wilen Pass driving test, get license renewal plus RealID.

Lois Paige Simenson I hit my goal of submitting my romance novel to Carina Press.

Candy Neely Arrington Work on a creative non-writing project and get back on track with healthy eating after a celebratory weekend!

Nita Sweeney Guest blog post due Friday. SFD (sh*tty first draft) completed.

Bill Kelly I’m hoping to get another five to ten thousand words.

E.M. Shue 2k in words to finish off my manuscript, a quick read through before I send it to the editor, plot the next book and get my planner set up for this new quarter.

Daniel Escurel Occeno To do the goal of last week.

Catherine Blackmore Do more research then write

Lois Paige Simenson Decide whether to submit WIP to Carina Press call for WIP submissions

Destiny Pifer To write another short story for another anthology. I am so proud that I am writing again after having writers block for so long.

Marni Godbold Dowell To read posts on Write On! Online, FB, and keep dreaming about when I have time to get back to actually writing.

Kristin Ammerman I have some reading goals this week. I need to get out of my head and see what other writers styles are like and what’s being produced at the moment. Also, a lot of my friends are writers and I’ve been wanting to check out their work. So kind of a research week!

Vickie Burns-Sikora Going to keep free writing until I know where my next book is going.

Deborah Lyn Stanley Complete data/page & post upload to new website and open it for all to see 

Daniel Escurel Occeno To continue on self-publishing my already written novels.

1 Comment

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  1. Ed Gregory 6 years ago

    My goal for August 2019: Get Real.

    Retired several years ago and have not taken advantage of all the many hours available for Writing Time.

    Back in the early days of personal computing, I created a time-tracking tool. Cannot reproduce it. If I look for another, can I spend the time researching as writing time?

    I’ve been differentiating between “writing time” and “writing activity” – with the vast majority falling into the latter category. Includes research, training, reading about writers and writing. Stuff that lets me wear the cloth of a writer without much creative writing tappity-tap-tapping or, depending on the keyboard, clickety-click-clicking.


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