Congratulations, Lizzie Carroll, the October winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. Post November Goals to be entered in next month’s drawing.

November 4: Write On!/Guided Goals November Hangout from 1 – 3pm at Peet’s Coffee, 1854 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles 90025. RSVP on Facebook.

Post November Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions. You can also post your October accomplishments. Thanks! Write On!

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Here are the goals posted in September. How did everyone do?

Daniel Escurel Occeno To mentally plot and plan my NaNoWriMo project for November. When I like what is on my mind, I will write the outline and character description on paper.

Rachel Kolodziej Finish a story for a contest, finish edits on another short story and get ready for NaNoWriMo.

Daniel Escurel Occeno My month of October goal is to prepare for NaNoWriMo in November. Mentally and physically and I even started my runway walk like a male model on the driveway to be mentally and physically in shape to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

Daniel Escurel Occeno Just 15 minutes a day pacing back and forth like during a New York City fashion show. I use my cellphone timer on 15 minutes.

Sarah Myers Hoping for 6 more pages before Saturday

Lois Paige Simenson Plugging away, revising short story for lit journal submissions. New goal, write a short play to practice dialogue. Write a review for a published memoir. Full plate.

Emily Dills Get all my queries out.

Shirley Lee My daughter is having me write a story for my granddaughter where she is a princess that gets saved. All family members will be named as different characters in the story. I’m setting up character profiles for each.

Lizzie Carroll My goal this week is to actually put together a goal lol I achieved my last one, so now I need to go through the process of writing a new one and writing out the actions I will need to do to achieve it.

Shirley Lee To write more than I procrastinate.

Lois Paige Simenson Feel like a broken record…CD…mp3…whatever. Still revising short story to submit to a reputable literary journal. Finishing a play to submit to a theatre conference.

Wayne Manigo To have something positive to report back to our group by the end of the week! LOL!
Seriously….In one of my writing journals, I created a quick and dirty note about dealing with anger and depression. Basically, I explained to myself how I was able to take a day riddled with troubling issues, and somehow managed to convert it into a positive day. AND…every life experience makes for a great story if explained correctly. I may not pitch it to anyone in the immediate future, but I’d like to have it on reserve so submit at a later date.

Wayne Manigo Getting my 2nd annual Free DC Comedy Festival recognized by contacting the media, local bloggers, and writing anyone else who will listen to me. LOL!

Robert Wright MY oct. goal is to finish my second book.

Lizzie Carroll This weeks goals include writing and distributing my newsletter (for my birth business), write 2 blogs (as part of a job for someone else) and also write a couple of blogs for myself. And to write some sort of advertising campaign for my freelance writing so I can get more work and have a more efficient list of my prices.

Charlie Hamel Finishing my page and counting how many words I have.

Lois Paige Simenson Complete my short story revision and submit it to literary journals. Finish revising a one act play. Begin outlining my fiction novel for Nano. Feels like it takes me longer than the average bearto get things done. Thank goodness you are here asking this each week, it is helping me stay on track! THANK YOU smile emoticon

Daniel Escurel Occeno To register for NaNoWriMo 2015. I am having troubles with this cellphone connection. I might have to go to an Internet cafe.

Wayne Manigo Create a new article for my ‘Addicted To Comedy’ column in Stage Time Magazine.

Lois Paige Simenson Compose outline for fiction novel, finish Scrivener tutorial by November 1st, D-Day for Nano smile emoticon

Tammie Tarell Complete an outline for a ya novel & get ready for NaNoWriMo

Lizzie Carroll Get some blogs on my website (for my birth education business) and work out how I’m going to advertise my writing services.

Hayley Hardman Getting the next three parts of my novella finished and published on my blog, then coming up with a Halloween story for Saturday.

Charlie Hamel Contact a publisher

Wayne Manigo Over the weekend, I attended the ‘Comedy Hack Day DC’ event. While participating and working with my teams, I realized the event would make a great article for my ‘Addicted to Comedy’ column in Stage Time Magazine. My goal was to have an article create…See More

Eva Gonzalez Hi, new to this page. I just made my FB page as InsideOut Copy so I want to work on creating daily posts and finding online communities like this one smile emoticon

Rachel Kolodziej Finish this book and submit a review for it. Then finish editing a short story and finish a submission for a writing class so that I can start on peer reviews. Get it all done by Friday so I can start Nano on Saturday!

Daniel Escurel Occeno Write 50,000 words in 30 days for NaNoWriMo in November 2015.

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