Hope everyone had a fun and productive summer.

In July, Write On! Online launched the Summer Goals Challenge, and asked readers to post what big project(s) they are working on this summer. We touched base a month ago, inquiring about Goal Progress. Now the time has come to share your summer successes! So, please post your accomplishments in the comments.

Four winners will be chosen at random to receive one of these two books, thanks to Michael Wiese Productions.

1. Memo from the Story Dept.: Secrets of Structure and Character
by Christopher Vogler and David McKenna

2. Reality TV: An Insider’s Guide to TV’s Hottest Market by Troy DeVolld

Each comment counts as an entry in the drawing, so be sure to share your success.

Looking forward to reading all about your progress. Write on!


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  1. Judalina 14 years ago

    Finished the first act of my first feature! Slogging through the second act as we speak. Started producing a short I wrote and we’re shooting it in two weeks!

  2. Warren Paul Glover 14 years ago

    Completed the treatment for a rom-com feature and sent it to the producer, and started a playwriting course.

  3. Susan Schwartz 14 years ago

    I finished a short story and will have it published in Horror Bound Magazine Online next month……..been working on it since April

  4. […] Remember, post your September Goals on Write On Online, and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript. Also post your Summer Challenge successes. […]


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