Congratulations to Laurie Dinnerstein, September winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your October goals and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript. (An iScript is a professionally recorded audio version of a screenplay or novel read by professional readers, similar to an audiobook.)

Please post Goals for October. The next Write On! Meeting on Blog Talk Radio will be October 13 at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern.

Post goals in the comment section below. Thanks!


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  1. Kate Pesich 15 years ago

    My main goal for October is to submit queries for a features story about a social justice that needs to be covered well.

  2. Kate Pesich 15 years ago

    (social justice) issue* ^

  3. October is going to be a busy month. My main goal is to outline in preparation for NaNo. I’ll also be taking ScreenwritingU’s Pro Series at the same time. Oh yeah, and somewhere in there, I need to take care of my family and feed the animals. Details, details.

  4. Kelly Boyer Sagert 15 years ago

    To write three chapters of my book . . .

  5. Andrea 15 years ago

    Finish revisions on my screenplay that I will hopefully finish this month. Work on my outline for NaNo!

  6. Laurie 15 years ago

    Finish retyping (not rewriting) the section of my novel I lost, start editing my novel, prep for NANOWRIMO

  7. G.N. Jacobs 15 years ago

    By Nov. 1

    A) complete and publish my two outstanding collections
    B) complete and post my first two video projects for my new video production arm
    C) build website that pimps B and future video projects
    D) pimp all sites
    E) complete a novel by Nov. 1 as practice for Nanowrimo

  8. Mark Niu 15 years ago

    Thanks Debra for chatting with me on your first Blog Radio show! It was great to be part of history in the making. It’s me, Mark Niu, the writer of Juche Rules. I’ll post a few goals since you nearly beat it out of me.

    1.> Network hard at several film festivals, and meet at least one good connection at each event, and follow through.
    2.> Finish a short video promo for a TV series pitch. I am currently working on it with a friend.
    3.> Work on beefing up one of my screenplays.

  9. CJ Larson 15 years ago

    My goal for October is to write two articles and finish the last of the re-writes for the 2nd draft of my screenplay.

  10. Mark Swain 14 years ago

    October Goals:

    1. Contact suitable UK Literary Agents (I won a Short Story competition & got published in a collection but need to take next steps). Most seem to exclude short story writers.

    2. Persuade my 20yr old son to provide me with a paragraph of witty criticism at the end of each chapter of my manuscript about cycling 10,000 miles together from Ireland to Japan.

    3. Attempt to break the link between writing and Lindt 90% chocolate.

  11. Brenda Porter-Rockwell 14 years ago

    My biggest goal is to organize my office in a manner that I will actually keep up with. Next I want to actually sit at my desk and write and get off the couch. In between that I want to research and pitch one original story idea to an editor.

  12. Debra Eckerling 14 years ago

    Congrats Jeanne Bowerman, October winner of an @iscript for posting goals. Post November Goals for your chance to win:


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