Silicon Beach FestSilicon Beach Fest took place last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Santa Monica and Venice. There was so much to do, a lot to learn. Nice, enthusiastic attendees. Informed and intelligent speakers. L.A.’s passion for the creative entrepreneur shone vividly throughout the Fest, created by Digital LA and presented by engage:BDR.

Here are 5 of the many things I learned at Silicon Beach Fest.

1. Pretend you are the world’s greatest anything! When you go up to speak, act like you are the best ever at your subject matter. After doing this a few times, you may not have to pretend so much. Jason Nazar, CEO of Docstoc, at Startups Uncensored: Mastering Public Speaking and Presentations.

2. Surprise will shock people into laughter. Surprise your audience. Comedian Ben Gleib at Startups Uncensored.

3. We all love startups because of the passion to create something from nothing. Callie Miller, CMO, YogaGlo, from the PR Tips for Startups Panel. Same can be said for writers, yes?

4. Collaboration is the key to success. Alison Beal, StyleSaint, and Sarah Pollack, Simply Stylist,  from the Fashion goes Digital panel. The Silicon Beach Press Panel also discussed the importance of startups working together, supporting each other. That way, we can all grow and succeed.

5. The panel on social good shared plenty of sound advice that could be applied to everyone pursuing their dream … through writing or another avenue. The moderator asked everyone to share one piece of advice.

Chris Brereton, Picture Healing: Do it!
Liz H Kelly, The Goody Awards: Start asking questions.
Bridget Hilton, Jack’s Soaps: Don’t be afraid.
Stacy McCoy, Give to Get Jobs: Recognize it just takes time.
Brent Freeman, Roozt: Life’s too short not to do it. There is no failing, just a learning opportunity.


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  1. david 13 years ago

    4. Collaboration is the key to success. That is one that I’m trying to embrace, I have a tendency to want to do everything on my own! Great post!

  2. […] I really enjoyed Silicon Beach Fest last weekend. Read my recap on Women 2.0 and what I learned on Write On! Online. […]

  3. Helena Ritchie 13 years ago

    I love your first tip! It’s so true too. When I was learning how to do presentations and lectures, my advisor always told me, go up there like you know you’re the expert because for that moment in time, it doesn’t matter who is in the audience, the don’t know what you know about your topic.

  4. melody lopez 13 years ago

    Concise, full of passion and engaging…and you offered great tips too! Way to go Debra!

  5. Jodie 13 years ago

    Surprise is a great instrument to success in public speaking. I am yet to be able to develop it into my writing, but I hope I can do it with ease one day. Some very good tips here.


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