Congratulations, Shannon Holly Kuharik, the September winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. Post October 2016 Goals (or goals during the month of October) to be entered in next month’s drawing.

October 3: Deadline to send in a 2-3 line news item or event for the October Newsletter to Or submit here.

October 5: October LA Hangout from 1 – 3pm at Peet’s, 1854 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles. RSVP on Facebook.

Post October 2016 Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions. Thanks! Write On!

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Here are some of the goals posted last month.

Daniel Escurel Occeno Still deciding on how to finish my short story since it will decide how to write my NaNoWriMo novel in November.

Audrey Paulduro Waiting for transcribing equipment!!!

Alex Willging Finish my outline and start work on a new script.

Hasmik Antonyan get my website up

Zoe Muntaner Start crafting a compelloing 2016 #140conf talk

Hayley Dory Glasson still typing my novel into a word doc, so far upto 8500 words and changed one scene, and still lots to go.

Audrey Paulduro Start the outline for the idea that I got last week for a story and talk to one of my teachers from college…I need a pick me up.

Hayley Dory Glasson Continue my novel, researching, reading and building the base for a novella

Daniel Escurel Occeno Keep writing on my short story.

Stephen Swartz Make it to the weekend.

Alisha Vincent 40 more pages of edits

Beth McGee Intense reading to research for next book. That’s all I can muster!

TJ Milam Stop procrastinating!

Elisa Fayknaym Goals for me this week are: 1) To get a blog post up. 2) Write/research/prepare a second post. 3) Finish reading a book that is helping me with developing a good plot for my novel. Struggling with this so far, but this book is very helpful.

Hayley Dory Glasson its a reading week, plus going to my first Writers Convention on Saturday, can’t wait for a day of learning and meeting like minded people

Daniel Escurel Occeno I will add to my short stories. I am doing the 250 words addition and I still cannot get it done because 0 is 0 words. But I will try again before the week is over.

Shannon Holly Kuharik Finish my short story and get it on my website. Research magazine submission requirements.

Elisa Fayknaym Two more blog posts for me this week, though one’s already done. And straighten out the kinks in my short story on Wattpad. 🙂

Sarah Myers I aspire to get a few new handwritten pages completed and I’m gonna shoot for the moon when I say I’d like to get a few of those pages transcribed onto the computer as well (I’m about 50 pages behind right now)

Hayley Dory Glasson This week is time for journal cover designing, reading and on my weekend some well needed writing on my novel

John BungalowBums Davidson Co-write James Patterson’s next one with him.

Nancy Loughlin Keep breathing.

Alisha Vincent 30 pages of revisions

Daniel Escurel Occeno To finish a short story and start another.

Larissa Merriman Do a table read of my script (and get it copied edited) so I can give it to my agent.

Daniel Escurel Occeno For the month of September – I will write Rabbit, a short story. It is the introduction of the character Pontus Bao for Rabbit, a novel, to be written in November during NaNoWriMo.

AJ Francisco Finish the outline for my book this week!!!

Daniel Escurel Occeno To mentality plot and plan my NaNoWriMo 50,000 words towards a novel for November.



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