Congratulations, Jessica Roush, the January winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. To be entered in next month’s drawing post February 2018 Goals here or weekly goals during the month of February on the Facebook page or in the Facebook group.
Join the Write On Online Facebook Group here.
February 5: #GoalChat at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. #GoalChat is usually on Sundays, but, due to the Super Bowl, next week’s chat is on Monday night. Join us on Twitter to report on and set goals. Next week’s special topic: teamwork. Tweet your questions, using the #GoalChat hashtag. Follow @GoalChat and @WriteOnOnline on Twitter. Learn more about #GoalChat.
February 5: Deadline to send in a 2-3 line news item or event for the February Newsletter to
February 7: February LA Hangout at C&M Coffee and Milk Westwood Gateway, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd, in Westwood from 1-3pm. C&M will validate parking in the building. To give people time to get back in the swing of things, this month’s meeting will be on the second Wednesday. RSVP on Facebook.
Ongoing: Join #GoalChat on Sundays at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. Go to and follow the hashtag.
Post February 2018 Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions.
Plus, share your biggest accomplishments from 2017 and goals for 2018.
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Here are the goals posted on the Facebook Page and in the Group in January.
Daniel Escurel Occeno To self-publish and self-publish and self-publish and etc.
Sandra de Helen 20 pages on the new play.
Bobbi Annicks Working on a new product. Have to make a sell sheet. Am putting X amount of hours into that project. Yesterday was good. Move it along further today and keep at it until it goes out the door!
Daniel Escurel Occeno Same thing since before NaNoWriMo in November. It might take all of February. Hopefully within the week. Fun. Learning new ways to deal with things for the next novel.
Lois Paige Simenson Soften my protag up so she’s not so unlikeable
Terry Hiner Write a synopsis for my new book.
Karen Hemmerle Finishing the rewrite/tweak of The French American, because the table read is Sunday, so it needs to be finished and multiple copies made before then. drafting that, and sending it in at the end of the week.
Sandra de Helen Write all the stories/anecdotes I have in mind that will eventually make up the play I’m writing.
Ellie Kahn submit my story about trespassing with my dead father to some more magazine.
Rita Johnson Complete a 5-Day Launch Challenge (2 days done! ); revamp / migrate website; outline course & accompanying journal.
Shannon Luders-Manuel Finish editing a young adult novel for a client. I’m a little behind!
Jill Spiewak Eng More social media posting.
Karin Hallén Finishing an outline for a TV project (actually did that today) and have a specific point I want to get to in a screenplay by the end of this week. Should also work on my website, which I’ve been saying since November- I just can’t seem to get to that one done.
Wayne Manigo I usually post the minutes for the Washington DC Comedy Writers Group within 48 hours. This time it took 96 hours due to a heavy schedule, but I got the writing done.
Damon Maultsaid It’s summer here and very hot so I’ve decided to give the Street Bike riding a break for a couple more weeks and concentrate fully on writing the biography.
Daniel Escurel Occeno Same as last week along with waiting for research on a new novel to write someday. I can add to notes and outlines.
Jessica Roush Trying to finish my book so I can publish it
Sandra de Helen 10 pages of dialogue in my new play.
Dave Russotto To go undefeated….
J Blair Brown Starting on my second book in my Leroy series. It’s called ‘Leroy Learns to Forgive,” and I’m anticipating an April release!
April Nicholson Writing every day.
Terry Hiner Finish planning my research trip to Ireland, continue to work on my outline, work on some aspect of the book every day.
Jon Duckworth Reading more about the chronicling of character in 17th-century histories of England & Scotland.
Petrea Burchard I’ve just reached my goal for this week: I finished the fourth draft of “The Wilma Dialogs,” my current project. So first, I’ll reach over my shoulder and pat myself on the back. Second, I’m looking for beta readers for an honest critique. I hope it’s okay to ask for that here. I know it’s a lot to ask, but the book is short—35,000 words. Must love dogs and light humor.
Jaclyn Nicole Johnston Just launched my paid Facebook group, so I hope to get 2-3 signups for my mindset and law of attraction coaching!
Daniel Escurel Occeno To test my new Internet subscription of seven days if it can achieve what I expect on self-publishing ebooks for
Vian Napier De Bod To get my writing group off the ground.
Mohamad Kebbewar Hard goals for this week. Reading 56,000 words and making structural changes to my manuscript.
Keianna Johnson I am writing a blog post because I forgot last week. Also try to build a community around my new book that was released January 6, 2018 on Amazon.
Cody Martin Start a short story.
Karen Hemmerle Finish, or be near to finishing my horror screenplay.
Ellie Kahn get organized with the sudden influx of oral history work (mostly the editing of the books is what gets me overwhelmed.)
April Nicholson I’m a little late but my #writeon goal has been to write from my heart rather than from journalistic brain. I think this will be a constant practice for me.
Lois Paige Simenson My goal is not to go insane from revision. Feel like Goldie Hawn in the movie, Overboard–BuhBuhBuhBuhBuhBuh…
Daniel Escurel Occeno The same since all of October. The month! I can see the finish line. Although since October.
Larissa Merriman Rewrite my television pitch (due Friday), bring pages from the pilot to my group on Thursday, and finish the polish on the short.
Ellie Kahn submitting proposals for a few projects.
Karen Hemmerle Work on my horror screenplay, grocery shop, clean the cat box. You can’t write if there’s no food in the house, and the cat is annoyed about his box.
Jon Duckworth I read & wrote more last year than I have in some time. This year I want to be more consistent with blog posts and hope to publish an e-book.
Pam Martin I HAVE to get some curriculum stuff written this week (I have 6 teacher’s guides/unit plans due on the 21st, and each one is taking 4+ days to finish), but I really hope to finish revising at least 3 chapters on my novel, as well.
Sandra de Helen Apply for a residency. Submit a short story to a contest.
Robert Szeles Remain calm.
Audrey Paulduro Brand new year…blocking time so that I can work on my adrenaline prayer book. People need A sense of hope and I want to be that person to guide them with prayer.
Mohamad Kebbewar Start editing my novel. Even with one chapter, just start. It’s been a long break or writer’s block.
Lois Paige Simenson Write a detailed bio and character arc for my hero and antagonists. Edit my scene list to include all my plot and subplot changes.
Jessica Roush Write blog posts and write my book
Michael Scott Back to writing.
Meghan Traudt To start implementing the plan I outlined for myself in 2018 which includes blog posts and developing a more consistent social media presence.
Alisha Vincent Finish my paranormal novella
Daniel Escurel Occeno Continue to self-publish FAITH AND HOPE AND CHARITY on eBook since I decided for CRYSTALINE to be the only novel self-published on 2017.
Daniel Escurel Occeno To finish in self-publising FAITH AND HOPE AND CHARITY. To proofread “FIRE EXTINGUISER MAN!” and COVERT OPERATIVE FOR PRESIDENTS for self-publication on eBooks for
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Post February 2018 Goals. #WriteOn
Tags: February 2018 Goals Goals Write On! Online Writing