Last week’s Purple Pencil Adventure was to write a bio. A bio is something all writers should have, whether...
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is an award-winning novelist, poet, and author of the acclaimed HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. With...
Write On! Poets by Cara Holman a poem a day keeps the doctor away or … something like that...
Post your May goals on Write On! Online and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript....
The next Los Angeles Mediabistro Party, hosted by Debra Eckerling and Michelle Thatcher, is tonight from 7 pm to...
Writing is all about community. Supporting each other is the key to success. My favorite writers websites include:
MC Foley wrote her YA/fantasy novel—The Ice Hotel—set in Sweden’s famed hotel of the same name, after an exploration...
To Write and To Hustle by Shannon Flaherty, HUSTLE UP “Write what you know.” It’s a cliché critiqued by...
There is always fabulous energy at our monthly Write On! meetings, and tonight was no exception. New members Linda...
The April Write On! Meeting in Santa Monica is tonight, Wednesday, April 14. Post your May goals on Write...