Congratulations to Eddy Valleys, August winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your September Goals and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an iScript. (An iScript is a professionally recorded audio version of a screenplay or novel read by professional readers, similar to an audiobook.)

The August 17 Write On! Meeting will be on Blog Talk Radio at 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern.

Post September Goals in the comment section below. Thanks! Write On!


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  1. stephanie olivieri 14 years ago

    For September, my goal is to get out many query letters and get the second novel really going!

  2. Andrea 14 years ago

    In September, I will finish two script revisions.

  3. Hmmm…. Continue to post on my blog. Wait for Watchmaker money to roll in. But that’s not a writing goal, that would be a rewriting one… 😉

  4. Melody Lopez 14 years ago

    Develop a solid writing routine from 9-2 PM M-F.
    Develop a solid homework routine for both my girls that includes extra reading and writing to help cultivate a natural love for story telling.

  5. Victoria Noe 14 years ago

    Spend a week in NYC completing research for 9/11 chapter of my book.
    Finish first draft of book.
    Submit 3 articles for publication.
    20 blog posts.
    Submit 5 book proposals to agents who requested them.
    Eat a lot of ice cream.

  6. […] NEWS Congratulations to Eddy Valleys, August winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your September Goals here. […]

  7. […] post your September Goals on Write On Online to be entered in a drawing for an iscript AND Post your Summer Goals and Goal […]

  8. Ty Leisher 14 years ago

    Get back into my routine of writing 5:30 AM to 8 AM M-F.

    Stop checking my email first thing in the morning.

    Write on my blog at least twice per week.

    Finish first draft of my spec Action/Comedy screenplay.

    Write at least one short film.

  9. […] post your September Goals on Write On Online, and be entered in the monthly drawing to win an […]

  10. […] to Mike Shields, September winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your October Goals and be entered in the […]


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