Congratulations, Russell Nohelty, the March winner of a book from Michael Wiese Productions for posting goals. To be entered in next month’s drawing, post April Goals here or weekly goals during the month of April on the Facebook page or in the Facebook group.
Join the Write On Online Facebook Group here.
Check out #GoalChat every Sunday at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. Go to Twitter and follow the hashtag. Miss a chat? Read the recaps.
Post April 2020 Goals in the comments or weekly goals on Facebook for your chance to win a book from Michael Wiese Productions.
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Here are the goals posted on the Facebook Page and in the Group in March.
Pam Martin Camp NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow, so my goal is to write, write, write! Because of everything going on (I’m still working away from home), I only set a goal of 25,000 words for the month, so I need 6,250 words a week. I’d really like to get to 50K, though, so double that!
Daniel Escurel Occeno Keep going through the motion to get it done.
Lois Paige Simenson Decide on Amazon keywords, format and proofread novel
Jim Katzaman I want to write and post at least two to three articles this week. So far it’s one down …
Kevin Wilkerson After I do a live show today at 1:30, then I’m going to continue to post fun, positive and entertaining storys on my PubClub website
Nita Sweeney Keeping the #onehundredpercentgoodhusband alive.
Sarah Glenn One goal already met: I began working from home today. Out of the Petri dish!
Bill Kelly Again, I just hope to make progress. A couple of thousand words on my book would be good enough.
Bianca Labrador Survive. And finish my client projects.
Daniel Escurel Occeno Given the situation I will try to get something done.
Russell Nohelty finish this Kickstarter.
Destiny Pifer I got a story published in Scary Snippets newest anthology. Right now working on two stories for Black Hare Press.
Sandra de Helen Continue the daily docupoems, write something more on my play in progress.
Deborah Lyn Stanley Go from Study & Research to Practice
Ester Benjamin Shifren Posting a daily short inspirational poem. Hopefully people will pay attention and help themselves when they’re alone at home
Gerry Furth-sides Omg. STOP doing facebook this week long enough to answer a Columbia Studio drama department’s questions, and a military magazine’s same questions, in writing about 10th Mountain Division story for book and screenplay. Thank you for making me put this in writing.
Karin Hallén Finish a rewrite.
Kevin Wilkerson Learn how to use Zoom. A friend is conducting a virtual karate class right now doing it. Could solve my PubClub LIVE w/ The Kevbeaux & Soul Cole issue of me being in one place and my co-host in another.
Elisabeth Lawaczeck Final round of professional edits being reviewed of my book!!
Bill Kelly Again, I just want to make any progress.
Daniel Escurel Occeno My turtle speed on working with my goal. Getting a little something, something done but better than nothing. It is giving me the confidence that I can continue this for years. I have less worries of what to do as I get even older.
Sky Hall Ainsworth To engage in writing that is not debating. To engage in writing that could lead to money in my pocket.
Susie Adams Since events have canceled I had preapred for, I am MAKING MYSELF actually schedule some hours each day to WORK and MAKE MYSELF stick to them. If I tell my hubby, he will help me stick to them … not sure I’m ready for that yet! LOL … Blessings … be safe everyone!
Tom Aschenbach To get past this mini-block I’m in, and finish the comic strip for next week. To write the theme of my screenplay (it doesn’t do anyone any good in my head).
Phyllis M. Smith Completing my application (including the writing sample) for an advanced writing course as a part of my non-fiction writing certificate program.
Pam Martin Finish planning sheets and chapter synopses for Books 2 in two different series; I have all but 4 chapters for one, but I’ve lost the planning sheet files (hopefully I have hard copies at home), which means I’m stuck, because I can’t remember the character names, alibis, motives, etc., for the rest of the investigation! LOL
Daniel Escurel Occeno Read, read and read my own stuff to get something finished.
Bill Kelly Again, I just hope to make progress.
Kevin Wilkerson I suppose my writing goal is to keep up with all this coronavirus stuff. I need to post things as they happen because I want Google to continue to consider PubClub as a news site but even for this one-time newspaper reporter it’s tough.
Pam Martin Last WIP finally finished and submitted, so this week’s goal is to get the planning for the next one started.
Paula Smalla Try my hand at writing some short stories. I’ve been so focused on my novel, that I’ve almost never strayed from it. Spent the weekend looking through some story prompts, and found at least ten that I’m psyched to begin! My specific goal is to start three, and finish at least one
Daniel Escurel Occeno To do my multitasking strategy to get something done. Work on something when I can instead of a set goal.
Bill Kelly Once again, I just want to make progress. I sat for a couple of hours yesterday not being able to add much.
Elizabeth Criman Attending a writers retreat with 2 friends. My goal is to help both of them with their work and to improve on my own
Nita Sweeney Must. Finish. Newsletter.
Russell Nohelty Raise $15,000 at LEAST for this Kickstarter.
Stephanie Bourbon Get my trademarks for both company and course name! DONE today and then finish getting my first module finished and shoot 8 videos!!
Daniel Escurel Occeno To work on my sports fantasy novel to set up for self-publishing on paperback.
Tags: #GoalChat April Goals Goals Writing