Joshua Landsman’s The Tale of the Teller of Tales is ” a novel of high adventure, low comedy, and...
Archive for category: Author Q&A
Julia Keanini is the author off the Skinniness is Next to Goddessness? series of Young Adult fiction. Her books...
Jeffrey Westhoff, author of The Boy Who Knew Too Much, has served as a film critic, feature writer, reporter,...
Michal Lemberger is the author of After Abel and Other Stories. Her nonfiction and journalism have appeared in Slate,...
Oscar and Grammy-winning songwriter, and recovery advocate Paul Williams, and screenwriter and author Tracey Jackson are co-authors of the...
Dr. Michael Lennox, author of Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams, has interpreted thousands of dreams over more than 20...
Tonya Plank grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, but spent most of her adult life in New York, working as...
Joe Gilford is the author of Why Does the Screenwriter Cross the Road?…and other screenwriting secrets. Since 1999, he...
Wendy MacLeod’s play “The House of Yes” has been done at Soho Rep, The Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin,...
Anna Nicholas’s latest play “Villa Thrilla” premieres at Atwater Village Theatre (Atwater Village, CA) this week. Anna’s a playwright-actress-novelist-filmmaker...