Veteran journalist, author, and screenwriter Joel Harry Newman has been in the business for more than 25 years. His...
It’s been widely trashed by the critics, unfairly I’d say. When it comes right down to it, for a...
Interested in writing? Want to take your writing to the next level? Ready to get a creative jump on...
Every Friday, I post a new writing prompt aka Purple Pencil Adventure on my site for young writers. Since...
If you missed the December Write On! Meeting, you can listen below or on Blog Talk Radio. Listen to...
Thaisa Frank’s debut novel, Heidegger’s Glasses, recently released by Counterpoint Press, takes place toward the end of World War...
It’s the end of the year, so it’s time for everyone’s lists. (I work in newspapers, so all anyone...
I am a big fan of goals: the importance of setting and achieving them. One of my goals is...
Write On! Finding Characters by author Vivian Zabel, Stolen A story or novel must have characters, but where does...
Write On! wrapped up the year tonight with the December Meeting on Blog Talk Radio. If you missed the...