THE APRIL CHALLENGE: WRITE A LIMERICK April is National Poetry Month. To mix things up a bit, the April...
James L. D’Adamo, N.D., D.N.B., is releasing his latest book—Just an Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of...
Thanks to everyone who entered the Write On! Online March Challenge – Green! We received some excellent entries. Here...
Congratulations to Jocelyn Hughes, April winner of an iScript, for posting goals on Write On! Online. Post your May...
Moving Write Along: Advice from the Experts – Writing Exercises by Bob Yehling, The Write Time: 366 Exercises to...
The next Write On! Meeting in Santa Monica will be on Wednesday, April 14. Please send news and events...
Sascha Rothchild is the author of How to Get Divorced by 30: My Misguided Attempt at a Starter Marriage,...
It’s important for writers to also be readers. It enriches our knowledge, frame-of-reference, style, and tone. I always suggest...
In honor of National Poetry Month, Write On! speaks with poet and freelance editor Judith MK Tepfer, founder of...
THE APRIL CHALLENGE: WRITE A LIMERICK April is National Poetry Month. To mix things up a bit, the April...